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Green Eyed Cat



Wellness Clinic Services 

The services we offer at our Wellness Clinic are the following, separated into dogs and cats: 



Core Vaccines are those vaccines that every dog should receive.  These include:

  • Rabies: Only vaccine required by law. The first dose (or if it is undocumented when your dog received their last one) is good for one year. After that, it is good for three years.

  • DAPP (Distemper and Parvo virus): These are given every four weeks as a puppy until 16 weeks. Then, an “adult booster” a year later. As long as there is documentation, DAPP boosters thereafter can be every three years.

Non-Core Vaccines are vaccines that are given based on your dog’s risk and your preference. These include:

  • Leptospirosis Vaccine: A bacteria spread by urine of most mammals (rats, raccoons, etc.). Think of a dog who drinks from a puddle that a skunk has urinated into. Infected dogs can get severe kidney and liver damage that can be fatal. There is an initial series of 2 vaccines, 3-4 weeks apart, then yearly thereafter.

  • Bordetella or “kennel cough”: This vaccine helps protect dogs against some forms of contagious bronchitis, and is recommended for dogs that get groomed, boarded, visit dog parks, or attend obedience classes. Given once a year.

  • Lyme Vaccine: Lyme is spread by deer ticks. Alongside tick preventatives like Bravecto, the lyme vaccine can further reduce the risk of lyme disease. This is given as a series of 2 vaccines, given 2-4 weeks apart, then an annual booster.

  • Lyme/Lepto Vaccine: This is a combo vaccine for both lyme and leptospirosis.

Dewormer: We offer Pyrantel Pamoate, which kills roundworms in dogs, and should be repeated monthly. If you get Pyrantel today for your dog, and you also buy Interceptor Plus (our monthly heartworm preventative / dewormer), please start the Interceptor Plus 2-4 weeks after giving the Pyrantel.


Heartworm Test: Heartworms, spread by mosquitoes, can clog vessels in the heart and can be fatal. Interceptor Plus prevents Heartworm Disease. Your dog must have a negative heartworm test before we prescribe this medication.


Fecal Parasite Screening: We give you a mail-in kit to send a sample for analysis. If any are seen, we will follow up with you.


Flea/Tick Preventative: We have Bravecto which is effective for three months. You can get anywhere from 1 to 4 packs.


Heartworm Preventative / Dewormer: We have Interceptor Plus. This monthly treat prevents heartworm and kills hookworms, whipworms, and roundworms in the gastrointestinal system.






Core Vaccines are those vaccines that every cat should receive. These include:  

  • Rabies: Only vaccine required by law. The first dose (or if it is undocumented when your cat received their last one) is good for one year. After that, it is good for three years.

  • FVRCP (Panleukopenia, Calicivirus, and Herpesvirus).  This combined “Feline Distemper” shot is given every 4 weeks as a kitten until 16 weeks. Then, an “adult booster” a year later, then every three years thereafter.


Non-Core Vaccines are vaccines that are given based on your dog’s risk and your preference. These include:

  • Feline Leukemia (FeLV): FeLV causes a variety of symptoms including cancers, anemia, and immunosuppression, leading to infections with other diseases. Some cats can be asymptomatic for years but still infective to other cats. Cats get FeLV through close contact (grooming, biting, sharing bowls, etc.). This vaccine is recommended for all kittens and for those adult cats who go outside. The vaccine is given as a series of 2 shots, 3-4 weeks apart, and then an annual booster.


Dewormer: We offer a topical solution, Profender, for cats which kills roundworms, hookworms, certain lung worms, and tapeworms. It’s recommended to repeat this every three months for outdoor cats or those who can catch vermin indoors.


Fecal Parasite Screening: We give you a mail-in kit to send a sample for analysis. If any are seen, we will follow up with you.


Flea/Tick Preventative: We have Bravecto which is effective for three months. You can get anywhere from 1 to 4 packs.

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