We have a few great options for ordering food. All can be shipped directly to your home! The first option keeps all your shopping through our very own online store, with auto-ship if you so desire!
1. You can stay right here on our online store and order your pet's Royal Canin Prescription Diet by clicking here. Basically, any prescription diet that your pet currently eats has a Royal Canin analog - ask us if you need help figuring out what that is!
2. For Purina Prescription Diets, you can order through Purina Pro Plan Vet Direct. To set up an account, you will need our clinic ID which is MGZM0 (that's a zero at the end).
3. For Hill's Prescription Diets, we also offer Hills To Home where you can self-register here or if you already have an account, you can log in here.
Happy yums!